Periodontal disease is a progressive infection that begins deep within the recesses of the gums. In the beginning, one may not exhibit symptoms at all. As the illness progresses, the gums become red. They bleed and start to recede. One may also think their teeth are becoming longer. That’s an illusion caused by the gums pulling toward the jawbone.
Those are the symptoms you may see. You may not see the continued build-up of an infected mass that degenerates the jawbone and destroys the ligaments holding the teeth in position. This causes the Spirochetes bacterium to spread to other body parts through the bloodstream. The bacterium in the bloodstream becomes a causal factor in several other severe conditions.
Osteoporosis is arthritis that attacks the body’s bones, reducing bone mass and deteriorating bone tissue. The disease is painful. It also exposes the person to an increased risk of bone fracture due to fragility.
Causal Factor in Osteoporosis
The causal factors for Osteoporosis are not well understood. It is believed that other diseases do increase the likelihood of Osteoporosis. In this case, the Osteoporosis is called secondary Osteoporosis.
It can be exacerbated by low mineral bone density. Periodontal disease and the resulting Spirochetes bacterium that finds its way through the bloodstream to other body parts can cause chronic swelling in bone joints. Infection can attack the surrounding bone tissue. Periodontal disease can speed up the degenerative process if the bone tissue is weakened due to Osteoporosis.
What happens in the jawbone with periodontal disease is a good example. There the periodontal disease directly attacks the jawbone causing it to degenerate so that it can lose its structural capability.
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